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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Yep, This is taken straight from Facebooks advertisements circa 2018, maybe still today.

Put each character in a spans with random classes, intersperse other random characters all over the place also with random classes, then make the unwanted characters hidden.

Bonus points if you use css to shuffle the order of letters too.

Accessibility? Pffffft.


  • Mozilla needs money, and I’m assuming there’s a financial incentive for them
  • buying Mullvad one month at a time is annoying as shit
  • a years subsection is half price
  • it’s pretty much the same thing. I just had to change my Mullvad public key with my Mozilla one and my connection still worked.


Resilio sync works better. But the “sync identity” thing is broken, and configuring it declaratively is hard.

But 100% agree. Would love a virtual file system solution. Ideally one which you can use to fill available disk space and ensure you always have a minimum number of copies.

Mozilla, because:

  • rebranded Mullvad
  • funds Mozilla
  • can buy a year subscription

There’s no way to sync contacts and calendars between an iPhone (and other mail clients) and protonmail. The app does one way sync from the phone to protonmail, but not the other way round.

8 years ago a feature request was made to add support for CardDAV and CalDAV, but even with the release of bridge it’s not there.

So iOS users have to resort to using other calendar services, or 3rd party bridges to enable it.

I’ll use it once they’ve sorted out CalDAV and CardDAV… it’s only been an open issue for eight fucking years.

It’s now illegal to sell information of sitting politicians.

(Them, Probably)