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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 14, 2022


Honestly considering his history with Microsoft he probably had a good laugh when he found out they wanted to buy Valve

Not to mention the main functional part: proton doesn’t only work on SteamOS

I’m not entirely sure that that’s how it works, cause if it is my GOG copy of hollow knight has quite a lot more DRM than is normally accepted of that platform by their users

I’m making sure to install my favorites before the end of the year

Some games do run better some don’t, I wouldn’t call it most but it’s not an insignificant amount either


Couldn’t agree more, I even got it working on an old phone at one point

I’m hoping that it’s the same box, that way if devs make their games work with one, it’ll work with the other too

@raccoon @Triage8420@lemmy.ml @linux_gaming
I put xfce on a garbage laptop for my parents (who are used to much older windows) and they loved it, the laptop ended up breaking eventually but that was a hardware issue and they regularly ask me when I’ll be able to replace it

Yeah I like Fedora, it’s what I run on my Laptop (with KDE)

@biscuitsofdeath @Triage8420

Part of me wants to use HoloISO (community SteamOS) on a future PC and plug it in to the TV for my partner, but another part of me is Living in hope that official SteamOS 3 will *finally* be released by valve *any day now*

It’s like a constant game of whack a mole, with valve trying to make it work and EA trying to make the app reflect the rest of their company