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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


From the github features list… 👌🏻

Allow loading Glide typing library

not included in the app, as there is no compatible open source library

can be extracted from GApps packages (“swypelibs”), or downloaded here

if you are concerned about security implications of loading user-provides libraries, please use the nouserlib build variant, which removes this option. If HeliBoard is installed as system app, and swypelibs are available for the system, they will be used.

I’ve been making typos for about a year now since I switched from all tue keylogger keyboards. Swype to type is the best way to type on a phone for sure. Saying that… Is this offline

Ok, so i guess you’re dual boot. So in Windows, Device manager, find your network device and disable it there. It shouldnt ever reenable itself on its own.

Microsoft IPs blocklists exist, though I havent used them. I imagine they update frequently. Adguard home or pihole have good uses but itll need an always on device to run it.

A simpler idea which should be a 20 minute turn around to do, amd will cost you nothing would be either:

  • Set a static ip on the windows computer, blank out the dns so it cant reach the internet.
  • Set the MAC address on the windows ethernet adapter to something custom, or a static ip. Make sure the static IP is out of DHCP scope or at least not the same as your other OS or devices. Then on your router, block internet access to that Device MAC or IP.

Well do you want privacy or not? Get over yourself. What do you care what they think? As a school they should have a list of who they can and can’t use in photos. It’s actually a fucking nightmare for any marketing staff but that’s part of their job. They need to respond to it. Unless you’re American… then your rights are imaginary. Suck it up and smile

Get a metal case, weld it shut. Connect it to a long chain and a 25kg dumbbell. Guaranteed they won’t rob you of your phone.

Yes keep using them. You’d be a fool not to.

https should be enforced by any proper websites. This won’t change. Imagine sending your mail in clear envelopes. Would you bank like that?

Vpns will work. This cannot change, it would affect business and other legitimate uses for them even if it was enforceable.

You can use encrypted DNS over HTTPS or TLS easily to further enhance your encrypted self.

Fuck what some uninformed middle manager type bell end has come up with. Bail out of any company or product that bends over for them.

Automation. For example, The lights for my entire house are connected to Home Assistant. Essentially a smart home server that will let you manipulate virtually anything you can turn on and off. By using sensors (light levels, time of day, movement sensors) and you can have ‘smart’ lights… so, for an example using these sensors, in the middle of the night if you get up, it detects movement in a room and puts the light on, but because it’s night they are at 30% brightness…

Another thing you can do is turn the lights on and off rapidly in a room when you’re at work and know the missus is home but hasn’t seen your message. Failing that turn the TV off, turn the fans on, close the curtains and boil the kettle

It’s a fun having automatic smart lights right up until people use the actual light switch to turn it off and then you have to get up… or the fact that it takes time to get your phone, unlock it. Open the app and change the lights,rather than getting up of your fat arse and doing it yourself