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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Sounds good! Again, no pressure at all :)

Ya know, I wonder what someone else is going to think if they eventually stumble across this thread. “Why are these two people flipping out about a 20 year old game when they should be talking about Zoom’s new privacy policy?!” xD

Good to know what was going on — I just noticed yesterday that piped vids weren’t loading for me.

Wow, it’s weird but i think my comment got removed by a mod or something. I don’t see it here anymore either.

And no worries about connecting. If it works out, it’s cool, if not it’s cool too. I’d just hate for this Lemmy account to die and then I potentially lose touch with someone cool like yourself 👍

I’ll keep an eye out for your friend request on Discord.

I know it’s weird to talk to strangers online, but do you have a discord?

I can share my ID if you do and we can connect. (I just don’t wanna leave it up so every lemmy homie can try to get in my DMs)

Yes! I was going to say the Theme of Payon is one of my favs because if the Shamisen!

That story about the GM is so cool. I don’t think I ever interacted with one outside of when they’d occasionally summon MVPs in the south Prontera entrance and kill all the folks just hanging out down there. Gaming was so fun Back in the day.

Rai, I can’t believe that this game is still bringing people together even ~20 years later!

So many bangers! My personal favorites are Peaceful Forest (because hunting so many Elder Willows) and One Step Closer, but I love the holiday songs too.

I remember there was a short while where you could trade cyfar for OBBs (it was like 50:1, I think) in Comodo, so I spent WEEKS of time in Orc Dungeon farming cyfar just so I could turn around and sell the OBBs for a profit (and crack a couple open myself, of course). I never did find anything of value from OBBs other than a Santa Poring card that fetched a small fortune on the market. I always wanted slotted sunnies or elf ears, though. Angeling armor was SO OP! That’s a good flex ;p

High school was the time I was in RO too and I remember that no matter how bad a day I was having, I would tell myself “At least you have RO waiting for you when you get home”.

I loved hearing your story and getting to relive a bit of nostalgia with you, friend.

If it wasn’t for RO, I probably wouldn’t be in the job I am now (I actually bonded with a really really great coworker over RO memories) and I wouldn’t be as good of friends with my best friend without all of our late night Glast Heim grinding sessions.

I still listen to playlists of the background music to this day.

An RO tat sounds like a great tribute. If it were me, I think my tattoo would be Stormy, because that bastard killed me so much when I was leveling my monk in Toy Factory 2 .

I WAS ON CHAOS TOOOOO! Were you in any particular alliance (or guild or clan or whatever they called it)? I was only in a small one called “Phenix Rising”. But it didn’t last super long.

I did! I played it for 3-4 years around the mid-to-early 2000s.

So many great memories of LoE and going on MVP hunts with my monk. Not to mention the super fun holiday events. I still haven’t had a game hit the same spot as Ragnarok during Christmas 2004.

I love you too and each winter I make a habit of hopping on a p-server and enveloping myself in nostalgia. I’m still waiting for an RO Lemmy community.

Let me know if you ever start playing again and I’ll be your buddy.

The real trouble here is got vague the term “user generated content” is.

Does that include recordings of meetings? Does that include files or messages over chat during calls? Does it include names of those attending calls?

With it being so vague, you have to assume the worst possible case, which sucks for anyone who uses Zoom.