A peace loving silly coffee-fueled humanoid carbon-based lifeform that likes #cinema #photography #linux #zxspectrum #retrogaming

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


True, but most people don’t sandbox their games, and while a userspace binary can’t usually get root privileges, it doesn’t need it to exfiltrate their summer holiday pics or health bulletin.

A good first step to mitigate this is to use separate gaming and serious accounts.

While I understand and empathize with your dislike of proprietary blobs (fuck you, NVIDIA), every game is a huge blob unless you’re playing FOSS games exclusively.

Just blasted some Stroggs, looks great.

The changes to gameplay that Nightdive did are in line with the original and actually make it a better game. I enjoyed the fact that enemies now can dodge your shots and drop down from platforms to chase you.