• 3 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 25, 2024


Session don’t have forward secrecy. For more comparison check out this Spreadsheet.

Thank you for the tips. I have checked the leaks turns out it’s not the problem with vpn, it’s with my gps, metadata thing I think. I guess de-googling my phone solves this.

I am using windows but thank you for the information. Maybe it’s because of my gps, metadata, phone ping, cellular network and other thing associated with play services like few mentioned in the comment section.

I am currently using Proton VPN (free tier) which is set to Always-ON and Block Connections on disable. Today while I am going through my Gmail security option, on the devices/sessions I found my real location mentioned over there. Even when I use desktop I always connect to VPN. On this issue I got couple of doubts: - Is this because I am using a free tier VPN? so it's not functioning properly etc... - Else google fixed my location based on my previous location history? I used my google applications without VPN for many years, I am just learning & following privacy tips recently.

Why every TOTP app default uses SHA-1 hash encryption?
I use Aegis as my 2fa. Today on new token creation I observed that there's hash function set to SHA-1, later checked all my tokens and the result is same type of encryption used for all. So I have edited all my tokens to SHA-256 as a result my totp doesn't authenticate. Do I have to rescan my tokens for updating to SHA-256 or it doesn't work like that? Security: SHA-1 < SHA-256 < SHA-512 Speed: SHA-1 > SHA-256 > SHA-512 My doubts are: Why can't we use SHA-256? Is it because TOTP requires less time so faster one(SHA-1) is chosen? Can we use SHA-256 for TOTPs?

Which of the among is the best exif remover app?
[Scrambled Exif ](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.jarsilio.android.scrambledeggsif/)vs [Metadata Remover](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/rocks.poopjournal.metadataremover/)

It’s great using their Fastgpt which gives accurate results from various forums and websites, where other gpt based search engines lack. And got to try their Summarizer.

I recommend to use it as Secondary source (with tempmails) and Primary remains SearX for sure.