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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


“They” will recommend you irrelevant shit cos it’s the way “they” manipulate public opinion, directing the people attention to what “they” want to, that’s why you see irrelevant shit, it’s not all about recommending you things based on the information “they” have about you.

These platforms don’t make money just selling you stuff, “they” make money also directing your attention and manipulating it in the direction “they” want to.

If “they” make 10 bucks for selling you physical shit, “they” make 1000 bucks selling ideological shit following their owners agenda.

Maybe I am more paranoid than you haha…

Going to the point: not all the shit mainstream social media algorithm shows you it’s about the information they have about you.

Take it easy mate, use a VPN and a good browser and that’s it, don’t be paranoid… good luck 🙏🤞…

What about doing the KYC using a fake ID?

As I usually unlock bootloader, I just buy cheap Chinese phones from around 100 bucks, right now I’m using a FreeYond M5 5G. Debloated and rooted. Working like a charm.

Edit: I prefer Motorola over Nokia.

Get a new number… better than having to hassle to do that shit.

I like crypto specially because I’m paid by crypto transactions and at the same time I have investments in crypto and I’m making good money 👍👍.