Piecemakers.us A gaming + fan art 3D print shop making all of our fellow geeks’ imaginations come to life, one gamepiece/collectible at a time! 🔥🤓

Be sure to add “LEMMY4EVR” in a note/msg with your next order for a free BONUS mini of our current favorite model!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


1.) Ask for a listing of all the information they have about you.

2.) If your aforementioned Deletion request (see title) is missing from that list, they are likely breaking compliance rules.

3.) …

4.) Profit!

Keep up, jackass. This post’s 3 days old.

“Bro”, you’re missing the point entirely, cupcake, and your reflexive routine of sophomoric escalation only further underlines the reddit habit observation. Name your silly thing whatever you want, let the market decide if it wants to use something akin to herpes. Your weepy, whinging mouth already belies your choice.



… So, is no one going to point out that, “simplex” is also the latter half of “herpes simplex”? 🤢🤦🏼‍♂️

edit: downvote all you want (reddit habits are hard to break, it seems), but the usage of Simplex in commercial product lines seems to have fallen out of favor by the mid-1900s… Conspicuously similar to the timing of said STI rampaging through the US population. Couldn’t possibly be related, though. (see: link below)