• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


I’m using it in proxy mode with Netguard. Only have DNScrypt enabled with 9 servers and there is no slowdown.

Nobody is an external server. And that is the tutorial it me a week to find 😃

Invizible Pro as proxy
I found a tutorial on how to use Invizible Pro in proxy mode with Netguard. I figured I'd give it a try since it only was a few settings and used DNScrypt and Tor. Turned out Tor or rather the TCP it used was buggy with some apps I use so I disabled it. I have a question that you guys could answer. Netguard still has quad9 set as DNS, the tutorial said to leave it. It also had me set port forwarding to an external server for both TCP and UDP. Now how do any DNS requests from my phone go through the proxy instead of to quad9? I know it's a simple answer but I had a stroke 3 years ago and have some trouble concentrating.

Yes. Autocorrect did that.

Which is better?
Which is better overall, Invisible PRO or Netguard?