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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


There are dedicated events in the crypto scene, where people meet to sell and buy directly from each other

Well, there are already great emulators for nearly every console on Linux, all you need to do, is create a full screen app, that is controlled by controller, where you pick your games And the hardware, of course, but this is mostly of the shelf as well, I would say

In future news: Work efficiency drops dramatically because all workers have to fight with ads researching solutions 😮

Things are getting strange if you activate too much privacy settings. For example, all websites appear in light mode (because most people use light and thus is less value to track you) and for some reason, webUI with integrated terminals were not able to draw the ASCII text, it was just rainbows 😂 (proxmox and hombridge)

Yea, 😂, I was very shocked on the amount of server contacted when I first time installed a pi-hole and opened a local news page while being on piHole webUI to test if it works.

Yea, I tend to not use those sites and search for alternatives or archived versions. Sometimes you can scroll while reloading the page until scrolling is blocked again.

Yea, every extension has full access to any website, if you not make use of a whitelist/blacklist.

You have to press the plus button in the tab bar for youtube to ask for permission of camera and microphone.

And after you got the popup, it is shown in iOS privacy settings.

I bet you have given access before and accidentally touched the plus button in the tab bar at strange timing.

Yea… That is true. But I think, if uBlock blocks the banner, consent would not be able to reject/approve anything. Think of it as a fallback solution 😇well in my case.

😮so there is really no OCR in those dictation apps 🤯? Is there a OCR API in iOS? If so, it should not be too hard integrating it into an app 🤔 I assume

You don’t have OCR in your eyes 😮? Or do you use a screen reader, there must be screen readers that can OCR, tho, or are there none?

Consent-o-matic browser extension can handle a lot of cookie banners and automatically rejects all.