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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Agreed - I just had to block the user that’s been loading up the place with his YT links but that cleaned up my feed quite nicely. Suggest a ban for that one too (didn’t want to name anyone but should be painfully obvious by looking at recent activity).

uBO and Strongbox for PW management (used to be 1P, but since they forced everyone away from being able to store your vault locally, they had to go).

Perhaps one of the Nordic countries (don’t recall which ones). Anywho - sounded like a much better way to go for all parties.

I still mail paper for my taxes - partly because of shit like this and also as a fuck-you for the IRS to change their ways and adopt a better system (eg, the European system where you basically check a box if the amount you owe looks correct - they already know how much you paid so why all the mental gymnastics and instruction reading?).