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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I love your name btw. I always use that name for all my other accounts.

Yeah I said correct me if im wrong because I wasnt sure.

I dont know if it works like this but i would think that when you use someones app or website or connections, and this company captures your information, this makes it their property. This would be akin to someone taking photos of you without your permission and selling them as stock photos. Those photos are theirs, as disgusting as it is and I dont think the government can step in to make you give that up. Obviously this analogy doesnt work because selling pictures like this is illegal but the idea is the same because you waive your rights when you use their products.

Again, not sure if thats how that works, only have a surface level understanding here.

Someone correct me but how is this not a breach of the 5th amendment? The government cant just force a company to relinquish intellectual property regardless of how they got it

Edit: wow you guys are toxic. Cant even ask a question here without getting dogpilled