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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Nov 02, 2023


Pacmanl Its been about half a decade since I have done it. I high recommend a separate disk for /opt/ and install your apps there or do symlinks to /opt for your applications an for the love of god just use LVM on the whole disk it makes things so much easier since you dont need to delete the MBR and recreate it. From what I remember its something like.

  1. Grow disk in VmWare to the new size
  2. Run ‘rescan-scsi-bus.sh
  3. pvextend
  4. vgextend
  5. lvextend
  6. xfs_grow or whatever FS your using

If you add disks to the drive every time to expand it 10G your a trash admin IMHO. I have seen server that had like 20 grows like this and its unmanageable to figure out whats going to what mount point especially at 3am. I have had to rebuild a lot of servers that where like that from prior admins along with a lot of their fuck ups like compiling software vs installing via RPM just because devs asked for a never version then the supported version in RHEL. Security got really pissed in those events. Containers actually fix this problem in a lot of ways compared to the old ways we used to do things 5-10 years ago

Yeah, always had fun in the job skills section for people. I worked IT for about 15 years doing what I was hiring for. I was just looking for basics a lot of the time, for what they put down on their resume. If it’s on there I am gonna ask about it.

Have git on your resume I am gonna ask about pulling, pushing and branching. Have Linux I am gonna ask how to grow a disk in it and basic shit you will run into as a sysadmin. Networking I am gonna ask someone in networking because that’s black magic lol. I had a CCNA at one point but never used it but I know when to pull people in

We have been thinking about doing this as well. I am also tempted to try installing Pixelfed and see how that is