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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 25, 2021


Many many things, but the main one are probably :

  • Many French activists, from orgs like “framasoft”, “la quadrature du net”, or just from group of people like “les exégètes amateurs”
  • the Aaron Swartz “case”
  • the Alexandra Elbakyan “case”
  • Snowden, Wikileaks, etc.
  • Self hosting and how I think I information should be managed.

Bonus story : I dislike religions a lot, so I don’t talk about it often. But one day, I and a heated and interesting debate with a christian. First time in month where I talked so much about Jesus. The next hour or so, the first ad I get on YouTube (before I knew how to block them efficiently) was evangelist bullshit. First time I ever saw something even close to this. I didn’t even imagine such ads existed.