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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


Word of mouth is difficult these times, especially in the internet. I don’t want to push paranoia, but im pretty confident that there are many bots hiding as users promoting stuff.

It’s always the balance that makes stuff healthy :)

I bought one, tried it out: only works while screen is on, also bad audio quality. I didn’t even bought it online, but in a store. I want my jack back :(

So some people want to use the advantages of AI that ONLY works properly because of all the user data collected… But refuse to contribute.

I also recently noticed that everything get’s more and more hostile towards the user. I observed so many apps and Websites that have hidden some big features behind a paywall recently - as if they don’t already make enough money with data collection and selling. First they make you comfortable with these QoL Stuff and then they steal it away, holding it in front of your face and want you to pay for it now, something that was free for years. It’s filthy…