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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


The CFPB was authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010. In addition to helping get Dodd-Frank through Congress, Obama appointed Elizabeth Warren as a special advisor to the Treasury in order to oversee the CFPB and help get it off the ground.

About ten years ago, I went through this process with as many data brokers and reporting agencies as possible. I printed documents, made accounts, mailed letters, and jumped through every hoop they set up. Some of the companies only recognized my request for a term of five years, while some were permanent.

I don’t get random credit card offers in the mail any more. However, since I started using an email alias service a few years ago, I’ve found my data making its way back to the data brokers. I’m not in the EU, so I don’t think I have much recourse for it. Even so, I think it’s worth it to jump through all the hoops. Maybe one day it’ll feel more meaningful.

tl;dr: It was cumbersome to do it, and other than a reduction in snail mail spam, I haven’t seen much benefit from it. All the same, I’d do it again.