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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Change your shit asap. Anyone who has access to it can theoretically auth as you on any site or product that uses that 2fa setup. They would still need to have your underlying credentials that would initiate the 2fa protocol exchange anyway, but if they have access to your underlying 2fa secret, its not too far fetched to believe they may have other credentials potentially, depending on how you’ve secured the access and where you store your credentials. To be safe and not paranoid, it’s best to just do a root trust rotation and cycle the underlying auth creds

It doesn’t. Re-read my last two comments, but this time actually read them instead of just getting hung up on the time factor. I used the time reference as short hand assuming basic reading comprehension initially, but then fleshed it out over the next two comments where I discuss what that time difference implies and boils down to when you look at the totality of circumstances and societal/legal norms and technology between the two eras.

You’re being purposefully obtuse and you know it. When taking the totality of the circumstances between the two events into account, I still argue that the US sedition acts are wholly irrelevant to the discussion at hand re: modern UK policy and privacy violation creep.

You’re hung up on cherry picking out individual parts of my comment instead.

Yes it’s another example of something similar, but again, with the vastly different times, cultures, technological capabilities, and legal frameworks, I’d argue that relevance is largely nonexistent or the connection between the two attenuated to the point that any similarities are largely useless for comparison and irrelevant when discussing the issue in the current context.

Yes, but this is a thread about UK trying to criminalize dissent in 2020s. What the US did hundred+ years ago is wholly irrelevant to the discussion of UK policy in modern times imo.

Almost as if the entire issue could be avoided and circumvented by having the government handle everything from their end by default since they already have all out tax and income data, but allow those who want to do more complicated filings or individual deductions above the default calculation the option to do so on the back end