• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


You can literally go and setup your own lemmy instance in less than 10 minutes. Its so well documented that even the least tech savy person should be able to do that with a bit of research.

When you’ve done that just wait for the data to flow in. And thats it.

Yes! It gives me the chills that everyone can easily snack all of our data. From criminals, to stalkers to governments to companies (Example would be Meta right now). I think we should be very careful what we post and like/dislike on this platform. Gives me the chills.

I could literally go and get your data in less than 10 Minutes. And potentially thousands ofdifferentt users too.

Yes. That is exactly what I wanted to say. Thank you!

I have a bad feeling about this. Companies can sneak in easily (As Meta is doing now), Governments can sneak in easily, Stalkers, Criminals, everyone.

I could literally go, setup and instance and get most of you data in an blink of an eye. I don’t know. This gives me the chills

Yes. That is exactly what I wanted to say. Thank you!

I have a bad feeling about this. Companies can sneak in easily (As Meta is doing now), Governments can sneak in easily, Stalkers, Criminals, everyone.

I could literally go, setup and instance and get most of you data in an blink of an eye. I don’t know. This gives me the chills

Yes. When you like or dislike something it gets synchronized with different federated servers. Which means, federated servers have a database of all your likes and dislikes, and even your posts. The server admins of that server have, by nature, the password for the database and can therefore track every move you make. Just one “Bad guy” that has a server that is federated with your accounts server and they will know a lot about you. And since its open source theoretically everyone can do this. Criminals, Stalkers, Governments, Companies, everyone.

Yes - Indeed.

But: Not what I liked or disliked. Every federated server can see that in their logs. Normally this would at least need you to talk to reddit/meta/some other company in order to get a hold of this data, but here literally everyone with basic Linux knowledge can get everyone’s data very easy, very quick, and very reliable.

Lemmy and privacy issues
So. I thought about the potential of bad actors sniffing on lemmy data. In theory, you'ld have to trust your lemmy-instance hosted to not be a bad actor and every single server they federated with. That means, it should be really - REALLY - easy for a bad actor of even a nation state actor to set up an instance and just wait for the data of users to pour in. Theoretically they could see all the posts you ever made, and, every post you upvoted. Which also gives clues on: When are you active, what region are you from, etc. I mean - Maybe I'm too suspicious but tbh the more I read into this, the more I get a bad feeling about this...