Neon 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🇪🇺🏳️‍⚧️🇹🇼🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈

Swiss Pan-European Nationalist

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


You’re thinking too far. As someone who knows two people that worked for the Swiss government closely:

Don’t worry about it. The whole deepstate Idea is absolutely ridiculous.

There is no big plan to weaken encryption or anything. There was probably a single prosecutor working on a case involving Telegram that saw his chance and took it.

Seriously, you should be a lot more worried about google or meta, not western democracies.

Unless you live in russia/china/iran/yourFavouriteDictatorship, then forget whatever I just said. But if you live there, what’s happening in France isn’t a Problem to you anymore since your government does it anyways lol

But yeah, I’m getting a not tired of the deepstate conspiracies. He broke the law, that’s why he gets arrested, not because of some deepstate conspiracy

Privacy ≠ Anonymity

Signal = Privacy

Signal ≠ Anonymity

Signal was made for privacy, not Anonymity.

If you need anonymity, don’t use signal. It was never designed for this. There are tools specially made for anonymity. Look at simplex.

They can’t “take over” your account, but they can “override” it and delete yours.

I get that that’s bad and that shouldn’t be.

But there just have been too many cases of unlawful interception (NSA and Criminal). So I personally don’t think we should move back away from encryption

yes, it still is enforced.

And sometimes the mods are really overzealous enforcing it. Or at least they were on Reddit.

example: i said that i liked the Layout of Outlook and my Comment got removed because that was endorcement of closed-source Software to them. on a Post where i asked which Programs i could use to replace Outlook

so: yes and yes.

P.S: I’m still grateful to them for moderating this community for me. No bad feelings, love you guy <3

Maybe the account will have finite time before it’s auto-deleted if you don’t input a number some time later to ensure that this option isn’t abused to all hell by bots and malicious actors alike

we’re already banning bots, thus effectively making them time-limited. Yet we still have bots and spam on there. This sadly won’t work.

so you don’t get judged by internet commenters who don’t go outside.

I also go outside. I just stop using my Phone at 30% to preserve Battery. That’s why I judge these People. Turn it off and preserve the Battery.

Signal is just fine. This with the PhoneNumber is a really stupid hardliner-take.

Something can be private without being anonymous.

Anything claiming to prioritize privacy yet asking for your phone number (Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal, …) is a farce.

Yeah, sure. The privacy farce signal.

I’m getting tired of this stupid hardline-take.

it has a SD-Card Slot. and i personally don’t care much for a Headphone Jack ever since USB-C-Headphones became a thing