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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Yeah pretty sure I installed the experimental branch from the AUR. I just didn’t want the repo to be poisoned or something. 🤷‍♂️

Thanks for the info!

I’m planning to just Google my way out of this, but what’s the cleanest way to block the repo I’ve been using in yay from updates without uninstalling the version I’ve got running already?

I know I should have posted more info but I wasn’t neary PC and was just venting after fighting it for days then giving up lol.

Manjaro i3, tried several Proton/GE versions. 2070 Super. May be the old issue where the game doesn’t properly release VRAM but I haven’t watched my specs to be sure.

Game locks up on me every 10-15mins no matter what I’ve tried with 2.0. Gonna need to wait on this one again.

It’s always going to be a concern, but it’s multithreaded now.