The less you know about your history, the easier it is to imagine you’d always be on the right side of it.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


if you’re using a desktop, try Firefox with the Ublock origin and SponsorBlock Addons. On Android either try the above or use Re Vanced.

I have an idiotic request. Since I’m not familiar with the subject, could we be directed to a kind of wiki or megathread on how to actually encrypt our communications?

No bubble burst. One cannot know everything. I hate wasting time in things that cannot be done. I’ll try to use smart Tube for YT on my smart TVs. Thanks for your feedback .

I’m trying to setup an ADGUARD Add On through Home Assistant, but I’m having difficulties to set it up. Once I’m done all the local network will be Ad free, so it includes all the smart TVs and their apps

On mobile Revanced On desktop Firefox with the appropriate addons