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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2023


Yes, I am a romantically and sexually deprived hetero adult male who happens to coincidentally see the problem of emergent polygyny.


HAHAHAHAHAHA. Nah bro, that’s just what feds put out there to deflect attention from themselves and the claims of people whose civil liberties they violate. After all, which faction in society has the most capability to engage in “gang-stalking”? Feds. So the claim that it’s “gang-stalking” is kind of true. Yes, gang-stalking by feds.

I swear by all that is good and true it ain’t. See my twitter where I chronicle my experience of having fallen under DHS’s “countering violent extremism” program – literally just precrime. Outrageous violations of civil liberties. All the stops are being pulled against incels.


This is really strange. The Nazis did unspeakable crimes against humanity. In the nearly 20 year existence of the manosphere – almost the entirety of which arose (I claim) as a result of emergent polygyny – there have been just a handful of manosphere related shootings. So your analogy doesn’t fly and is laughable. Of course, maybe you see incels as Nazis, but then that would just speak to your own hysterical prejudice and distaste, not reality. You vindicate the “precrime” civil liberties violating program that goes by the name of “Countering Violent Extremism” which entirely goes after people for their 1st amendment protected speech. You’re more destructive than any incel will ever be.

Whenever someone who comes under the precrime “Countering Violent Extremism” program airs their complaints like I did, invariably there’s someone like you – usually a fed – who says just this sort of thing in order to paint the person as schizo. I ain’t a schizo. I posted on incels.is. It’s a DHS honeypot forum that’s comprised entirely of larping feds and the naïve incel users in fact never see posts by people like themselves. This was my experience. I am not lying. If it didn’t happen to me I couldn’t have dreamt it up.

People who are put in an open-air prison by the surveillance state – and are deliberately made aware of it so that chodes at DHS can take credit for “prevention” – will invariably sound a little unhinged when they air their grievance and, indeed, that’s something feds count on.

If I get a different device they just compromise that too. What defense is their against the NSA?

I didn’t post under my real name. I thought it was a free country. I thought if the country was so free as to allow emergent polygyny, then it would just as free to allow critique of that development. I guess I was wrong and the current so called “globohomo” regime is using brute power to repress dissidents.

I was providing context – who the threat is, my situation, etc. If I was posting “incel propaganda” I would have made incelish points – instead I described what happened and the situation I was in. I even named the program: Countering Violent Extremism which is really just “precrime.” Also, since feds are privy to my online activity in real-time, whose to say they aren’t brigading this thread?

What defense is there against NSA tools like Pegasus? I’m not kidding when I say they use my phone as a recorder to capture my interactions in the wild (in addition to having people from fusion centers follow me around.)

You may have heard of the "Countering Violent Extremism" program under DHS. They've deployed the tactics used to fight terrorists against domestic citizens. For example, incels. When I posted on the web forum incels dot is, I didn't know it was Department of Homeland Security operation against men who say they are romantically deprived. I didn't know I was interacting with larping feds who encourage extremist rhetoric. Consequently I was put on a watchlist and am subject to intrusive monitoring. I share a lot of my experience here. https://twitter.com/WrongedIncel My question is, my computer is hacked by them and they are privy to my computer activity -- as in, right now, they're seeing me type this post. How can I get these rats out of my computer? I just run Windows 11.