The alternative search engine that does what’s right, we believe that privacy is a human right and that a true alternative must have its own index 👉

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 15, 2021


We’ll try and get that okay up to a good and then a great as time goes by! There’s a submit feedback button on results pages if you’d like to be a part of that.

looking at it it would seem to be getting results via the brave search api

or search engines with several engines, such as Mojeek or MetaGer

Just a flag, we don’t use several engines, all Mojeek is Mojeek, you might be conflating this with Search Choices. AstianGO seems to be inaccessible now, but it wasn’t an own-index search engine,

We’re always on the lookout for feedback so if you use us again or are willing to send in the searches then it really helps us improve, the Eval Page is also worth mentioning for sending us these in a more interactive way. There’s a new testing algo up there currently.