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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


Nah same results :( maybe Firefox nightly mobile problem?

Just gave it a try… Doesn’t appear to work for browser default search settings? I do a search and see results for about 2 seconds before it then shows their search page. I used https://www.qwant.com?q=%s for the query. Liked the search results I tested it with but not being able to use the search bar for quick searches is a deal breaker for me :(

What I did was just buy the tv I wanted for the hardware and block it from internet access by Mac address, then plugged it into the network with eth. I then put dns blocks on every request it made (I log things before blocking them, and did this on the scenario a kill switch gets messed up or something) and installed the media software from there. Smart tv made private.

If you’re very technical and understand Linux, security, etc in great lengths (such as how to setup your own iptables rules with looking for help or creating your own scripts), and really know what your doing, a rooted non-gapps lineageos (optionally microg) is a great choice, as long as you install things like AFWall+ and such to lock it down a ton. Heavy emphasis on “understanding” what you’re doing here, since if you don’t, a rooted device could be bad on security.

If you’re not at that comfort level or have the time for that kind of stuff, GrapheneOS (unfortunately on pixel) is the best option.

If you don’t want to give Google any of your money, and you don’t want to go into the super low level system control with root, the best option is probably still lineageos with microg (or without if you don’t need push notifications for anything).

Who knows, guess we’ll find out. The only point I was trying to make is the title of the article being misleading to an assumption rather than fact. It’s very possible what you just mentioned is the case, but we won’t know until later. My personal concern is the fact Zoom is used for work for many and getting around that for most folks will be the hard part. I hope the terms for free users vs business agreements differ.

96% but it’s not accurate. Verified on my DNS logs that the two it claimed weren’t blocked, actually resolved to correctly, so I’m actually at 100%

Title probably needs to be reworded. Terms clearly mention they won’t use it without user consent, not that they MUST use it. Doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way, but just don’t consent for it when asked and you’re probably okay (I’m mentioning this for those who have no choice but to use it, for things like work)

If you have geolocation enabled or don’t block location requests, that could be another way. VPN can’t protect you from geolocation.

Ah, I misunderstood you mounting the system in as your main, not a backup. Gotcha!

Why not just self host? What happens when/if their service goes down without any warning? You lose everything?

Got my things all on a server with RAID for redundancy and backup weekly to an external (encrypted) device, monthly to another that doesn’t stay at home. Also means I don’t have to rely on the Internet to use all my services if the ISP goes down, the firewall explodes, etc. Self hosting is the way to go!

Thanks! Came back to actually add an edit or reply to mention that I found an issue on darkreader issues with a resolution for putting in a custom filter to unlock origin! Worked perfectly.


Question in the issues that did come up is… Why are they doing this? Only reason as some others mentioned sounds like it would be for tracking purposes which contradicts what their model is about. Seems like there’s no winning search engine for privacy, just the least of all evils? Lol. Glad to at least be back to using it for now.

Love it except I can’t use it because I don’t save cookies to keep the “dark setting” enabled and dark reader doesn’t automatically invert it, likely due to them breaking some sort of common html/css standards if I had to guess. Wish they would fix it for accessibility. :(

Unless referring to encryption, can you expand on why NC with Dav isn’t private? I’ve got both selfhosted (in home) and haven’t picked up on any traffic sharing my calendar to third parties through my logs and alerts, so would like to know more of what you’ve seen to see if I have a gap in my automated alerts.

Edit: unless your answer was just in response to the OP wanting an already hosted system, then yeah I can understand what you mean there.

If in the US, check out privacy.com. It’s a bank so expect the signup process to be as invasive as any other bank, but they allow you to create masked cards and you can fill in any name and address you want into the billing info to keep your real info away from websites. Paid version also hides transactions you make from your actual bank.