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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Even a “traditional” password would have a “list” that attackers could know (all the possible characters that can be used in a password), now compare this set of ±150 characters with the set of possible words that can be used (probably close to 250k per language if you take out some similarities).

Even with only 4 words, the number of possibilities is astounding.

While I have no idea how much a computerized vending machine costs, I found this article about a age/gender classifier that runs on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Looking at the machine’s big touchscreen, I think this classifier would fit on the SBC or require a relatively small upgrade.

My guess is to associate which product is best selling to which demographic to better target them.

So ingenious 🤮

I use Zoho with 4 domains that I own. Love their service, price and their blogs about what they are doing and plan to do.