Michael H. Jenkins

Reader, writer, erstwhile IT guy, gardeners and firearms enthusiast. Acquiring and sharing the information and skills we need to navigate these trying times.

Mastodon: MHS_Jenkins@infosec.exchange

CounterSocial: @MHSJenkins

Email me: mhsjenkins@protonmail.com

PGP Keys available upon request

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2M ago
Cake day: May 07, 2024


I really appreciate you getting in touch and offering those clarifications. Thank you!

California has the opportunity to be good for something.

Cody Doctorow wrote a short story about a group of newbie hackers doing just that.

It’s a drop in a very large bucket that will never be filled, by design.

It's not quite enough for me, personally, but this is a small step in the right direction. I think that the real "down near the metal" solution is to own a dumb car, but those are getting thin on the ground . . .

Anyone familiar with “No Trace Project”?
Title says it all--a fellow bricoleur just turned me on to the No Trace Project and I'm curious to know if anyone else here has looked into it and the quality of the information therein. Thanks in advance!