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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Yes, clearly I am being an asshole for not defending the automakers.

Oh, if it is old enough you should run it on old cooking oil. Knew someone that had an old diesel rabbit who was all into alternative fuels and ran it on leftover oil from a fryer, smelled like french fries.

You know this is about all cars right? Your diesel will also do this if new enough.

Yes and you paid for that “smart” screen, and anyway does this stop the car from sending anything? No?

You sure showed them, by not using the stuff you paid them for. Yeap.

Oh nice, so people are spending $30,000 min on any new car AND it will record and pass on everything you do in it? Oh and depending on the car manufacturer you may have to pay a subscription for remote entry and heated seats. Its almost as if you are paying for something that you don’t control, don’t own and now works directly to steal information from you. Cool. Cool.