Reddit refugee. Likes the Agora. Likes classical music. Flight simmer. No life.

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Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


O God, the hash one isn’t bad, just stop there for the sake of all that is holy

I give it a month before either the ECJ steps in or they quietly change the law/interpretation (Article 13/17 says hi)

Pretty sure signal won’t be forced to do anything:

Encryption plays an essential role in securing communications. The international human rights law test of legality, necessity and proportionality should be applied to any measures that would affect encryption. Both the UN Commissioner for Human Rights[1]and the European Data Protection Supervisor[2]have concluded that the EU’s proposal for a regulation on child sexual abuse material fails this test[3].

this is from May this year, when Spain proposed this. How in the everliving fuck the EU can get away with violating human rights?

So yeah I’ll eat my hat unsalted if this actually will break encryption