Art loving freedom adoring supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


Interesting, mine is basically a layer on top of IP, and can be used as a “new web”.

Got any more info?

I’m building a protocol that’s lies on top of IP; secure, anonymous, and takedown safe.

You can use it to make a website, or a chat program (I’ve got crude but working examples), and not Xi nor Putin can take it down as long as there are people using it.

I have a working version but I’d need a community trying it out, use it, give feedback etc.

Any recommendation greatly appreciated!


Ah ok, I did that a while at work, tunneling with putty to my server.

I do feel a “real” VPN is offering better protection though.

From a technical standpoint, how does that work? Are you being an exit-point and get to use others exit points or what am I missing here?

Same, fast cheap and at least one of the absolute best when it comes to privacy.