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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I mean, None of these appeared to specifically be about the air tag. But it is at least does help show a general overall commitment to security. So it’s not as if it’s not a huge point in favor of trusting that the airtag data is safe

Have you verified their encryption method? Where is the source code? Where is the third party public audit that verifies that it’s implemented properly with no other means of access?

Blindly trusting that they say it’s encrypted is basically the same as no encryption

I don’t just mean the voice, even just HOW it gives directions. Google maps gives you multiple warnings for a turn , one way before, one approaching, one right at. It also will often tell you which lane to take a turn in if multiple exist (use the second from the left lane to turn left) if your next turn is right after with little warning.

It’s been a hot minute so i can try again to see if it’s changed but directions were terrible with little extra warning and no taking the next direction into account.

The map was also just… Messy, little outlines for buildings everywhere a bunch of random green squares all over the map that I couldn’t figure out how to turn off and wasn’t even sure what they were meant to represent other than they seemed to roughly correspond with grassy or treed areas but for using it as a navigation app that is extremely annoying because it just makes the whole map of cluttered mess and makes it difficult to really tell what I’m looking at when I’m trying to drive and need to see my next Direction quickly and easily at a glance

I genuinely don’t understand how anyone can believe this, I keep trying it over and over and over and it fails on the absolute most basic of business searches. And some of the directions it gives are just completely nonsensical, and it’s voice guidance is absolutely terrible making it fairly easy to miss a Direction if you’re not able to be looking at the screen

I hate giving my location to Google but at the end of the day they are still the only GPS navigation that doesn’t suck at basic navigation

I mean with next cloud and immich it doesn’t really matter if they are popular. Those are services that you host for yourself for you to use generally by yourself.

Immich I could see someone using if they’re already familiar with Google photos, so long as someone else handled the setup and maintenance of it of course

I hate this recommendation because Matrix is just a terrible user experience. It has basically nothing of value over Discord other than being open source. Which is important but it’s not enough to counteract the amount of basic quality of life stuff that is just absolutely trash garbage on Matrix. Stuff that no normal user is going to put up with.

If Discord does end up completely eviscerating itself the replacement will just be some new upstart closed Source program that is shiny just like how Discord took over from Slack it will not be the rise of Open Source because open source developers have no concept of user experience.

I mean we don’t even need to start talking about how bad all the client options are and how half the features don’t work and all that. You can look no further than the login system. Average users do not like want or accept having multiple options for logging in. There’s a reason that irc, teamspeak, mumble despite in many ways being objectively Superior especially in the case of the voice chats ended up relegated to only nerds like us. Because no one else is willing to deal with keeping track of servers to connect with or how to cross join or add users.

Same reason that Lemmy is like 90% technical users that are already invested in something like Linux. The average user got frustrated by how fragmented everything is how many duplicate channels and content you would find between instances and how difficult it was to search instances in the first place. I am here because I can ultimately work around those emoians, but the average person? Is not willing to and they shouldn’t have to

Gonna have to disagree. Telegram is the ONLY chat app with ACTUALLY NATIVE code clients on desktop and mobile. Its the only one that isn’t website in a box trash that’s slow heavy and buggy. I use discord mostly because it’s where everyone is but i fucking hate everything about it and wish people would use telegram.

If you think other chat apps don’t read/process metadata from your dms and such your an idiot. Nothing is safe short of self hosted matrix with full E2E encryption or similar and ain’t nobody doing that.

Actually it’s pretty easy. While not necessarily universally true, 98% of the time if there is a question mark everything after it is completely useless and can be removed.

for example of youtube, if you just use the share link from mobile you will get something like this


However the only thing needed is


discord is similar, share a picture and you get shit like


but all that’s needed is


the ? is almost always used as an escape from the actual url. So if you see a question mark, Just remove everything after it and things will most likely still work.