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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Oh really??? I wonder if there’s hope for chrome after all. Though I’m still sticking with Firefox 🙂

Here’s a random article on the topic to get you started.

Basically Google is destroying anonymous web browsing by embedding finger printing in chromium. Certain trusted servers will track your identity and report whether or not it trusts you.

It’s actually very similar to how Single Sign On and identity providers work. Except you aren’t choosing to use it with a “login with Facebook” or similar button. It’s forced on you by the browser

With chromium being poisoned last year and Mozilla trying to diversify away from Firefox, I’m starting to wonder what browser I should be using in the near future. So I’d really like to hear some opinions on arc browser!

EDIT: Aaand it’s chromium

While the other responses so far have good info, none has offered a useful answer. Yes, apple collects data, but thankfully don’t sell it to the world. Buying a new phone isn’t a trivial expense so some of us are stuck for a bit. As a fellow IOS user (for now), I too would like to hear some more options.

The best I’ve found so far is Typewise. They claim to be private and secure but it’s closed source so so knows. Apple gets to review their code when submitting to the app store which says that Typewise collects some data but none of it is linked to the user. It’s freemium. Unfortunately, I don’t like their keyboard. Swipe typing is my personal requirement🙂

Well I guess I can offer a dissenting opinion on this one. YouTube video links are fine on Lemmy? I like watching a short video or two each day?

Yes, YouTube sucks for privacy. So I don’t have an account and use Firefox Focus to be anonymous. I do wish there were better alternatives to YouTube.

I don’t like ads and that includes people advertising a channel. But I haven’t personally seen this happen much on Lemmy. Maybe not all. I guess I don’t see why it needs to be banned.

Anyone else seeing things this way? Or am I missing something?


I’ve thought about it more. I think I was indeed missing something. Is the complaint referring to all the posts that contain nothing but a YouTube link?

If that’s the case, I guess it’s a valid complaint. Doesn’t really bother me though. I just scroll on by the posts that don’t interest me

I got the same as @mintycactus@lemmy.world using Firefox Focus on IOS. Which I’m rather pleased by