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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 17, 2023


Easiest way is prevent download of the app from the App Store based on your region especially on iOS that is hard to get around.

Just means most encrypted chat apps will pull of of their market even Apple said the would so no FaceTime or iMessage coming soon to UK citizens. Also what really sucks for them is the syncing of messaging between other Apple devices would most likely have to be disabled as well.

True but I work outside and have lost devices before sometimes it is out of are control and we still misplace devices especially when the fall out a pocket I was only pointing out I personally won’t use it for that reason is all I still would rather use Lineage OS over Graphene OS but I don’t think I will because of that one thing. I am looking at buying a used pixel hopefully soon.

Yeah but Linage OS does not relock the bootloader for extra security so if you lose physical access to your phone it is now vulnerable.

Yeah I know it’s not on iOS I still love Android so I try to stay up to date on Android as well even not having one. My iPhone is paid for by work so I just don’t complain .

That makes allot of sense why signal does not have it would be a issue for most regular users.

Makes sense thank you for clarification

Yeah I realize it is android only and that makes sense that is exactly what I was looking for surprised signal doesn’t encrypt the database honestly.

What is the difference between regular signal app I am on iOS so doesn’t matter just curious?