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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


These lunatics have a disturbing amount of control in the US government.

Laughing at them might be fun, and I was doing it until recently, but they’re not joking. The worse our climate disasters become – and they will very soon – the more scared people will become, and the more these groups will take advantage of that fear. We’ll see more climate refugees, more desperation, and more fear. These groups prey on fear, and they’ll amplify it on purpose.

True fascism thrives on fear, which is why these people amplify it like they do. When climate disasters accelerate, these groups will harness the social upheaval to take control. I don’t know what we can do to stop it, but we should all be thinking about and sharing ways to head it off, because they’ve got plans in place already.

I know I sound paranoid, but I’ve been watching them and these aren’t my ideas, but theirs. They talk about this a lot, and if we aren’t prepared, their plans could actually work. I don’t want to live in the fascist future they’re planning. If we don’t combat it, we’ll be living in the Handmaid’s Tale before most of us realise.

I did that, too. I published my first novel in 2019 after leaving my career as a UX designer/softwaredev/db admin/etc.

Hit me when you’re ready, no matter how many years that is – I’d love to read your stuff.

Aye, and that’s why I left. As an author, fuck you trying to monetise my writing when I can’t even do that myself.

Yeah, I skimmed it, and read UK as US.

Sorry, I have dual citizenship and sometimes conflate the two. Deleted my comment as erroneous.