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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 17, 2023


Honestly a lot of things today seem like funhouse mirrors of scifi dystopias. There is something to be asked of chicken or the egg with our similarities. Did the writers just think about how we would eventually end up and just got slightly wrong with the details or did someone with terrible social skills and a fucked up hyper focused head think it was a good idea and aimed to make it reality.

It happens all the time with items from Star Trek. Literally engineers wanting to make the gadgets they saw and even Meta pulls it’s name from a dystopia novel that Zuck thinks is neat instead of horrifying.

So do we put forth ideas only to normalize them and make them true? Do thoughts become reality whether good or bad? Or do people have the ability to extrapolate where we are heading through guess work and random chance with enough time and effort?

Because I’m horrified if twilight becomes real… Oh God is it already real?? Has anyone been to Utah lately?!

I like steve@yahoo.com

If he was lucky or early enough to get a single name email then I’m sure they can handle some spam emails or get an email full of numbers like the rest of us