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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I would say technically yes, though the degree of value may be up for debate. Generating your passwords means they are hard/less likely to be guessed/brute forced. And means you won’t have one leak chain to others. But if they are brute forced or leaked somehow, MFA means you are still protected. Depending on the implementation the MFA may even prevent them from knowing the password was right.

You should give this a quick edit, the feature is literally the opposite of what you wrote. “Text to Speech” is an app reading text out loud as a voice to you. “Speech to text” is the keyboard feature.

It actually depends on what tier of Slack license the company uses. Private is a black hole for anything short of Enterprise Grid, unless they reset your password and login as you, obviously doable but not at all subtle.