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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


Writing down a crypto wallet key in a self hosted password manager on a highly encrypted self hosted drive which degraded. Pretty much the same with the photos, if I didn’t encrypt my backups I would have been able to recover more files.

You would not believe how much I have lost from being obsessed with high-threat modeling for my low-threat life. $10k and family videos for a start.

Sometimes it’s a good idea to protect the community from itself lol.

Mullvad has had some awesome projects recently.

Proton have been trying to drive a privacy orientated ecosystem and an alternative to the big three.

Both deserve your money. Great companies

I’m looking to switch my parents over to something more friendly than windows which I can remote support. If it’s okay to ask, what have you found has been well accepted by old people?