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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I tried mint and had some issues with nvidia drivers, which seemed out of the ordinary since other people were fine with it. I tried PopOS next and it was fine (Bottles had some issues but games through Steam or Heroic worked out of the box basically).

Valve’s Proton is open source but is it also free to use and distribute in commercial software? Cuz if so, there’d be nothing stopping GOG or Epic from implementing it already, they don’t need this project at all

Sounds like this would be easier to setup and use than Lutris though - dunno about everyone else but I’m always so very confused trying to get non-steam games running on linux, with all the custom paths, simulated folder structures and prefixes while steam apparently does it on its own out of the box.

Oh, so he’s just talking about DLSS3 features, gotchya. I thought DLSS 1 performance improvements are also frame generation but I see now thats different

Wait, DLSS doesn’t work on Linux at all? That’s a pretty big thing to gloss over whenever someone is talking about linux gaming and how comparable it is to windows nowadays. I doubt I’d be able to get anything remotely close to a stable framerate on cyberpunk2077 without it, and same goes for other newer games like dying light 2 or starfield!

Yeah sorry I wasn’t clear enough. Basically if you liked the base game, DLC is more of it. If you didnt I dont think it’s gonna do much for you. I’m only a few hours into the DLC but it’s been pretty great so far, but then again I loved most of the core game as well. Worth 30 for me.

Id say 2.0 is worth it alone and all content in PL is icing on the cake, but everyone has a different definition of worth. Some people paid a hundred bucks for starfield for example and I’ll never understand it. I also find it hard to argue against PL since no other game really fits this niche so I’m happy with any extra content we can get.