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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I didn’t know about that! Doesn’t seem to have a prompt for startup though?

This would all achieve the same as simply unticking “Use the selected profile without asking” option, which is what I tried to say before.

I would argue it is a Google project, not a Google product. I would say the same of webp and Android. The original project may be made by Google, however every implementation is vendor-specific and may not have any calls back to Google. So, saying “you are assured zero privacy” is not helpful when the lack of privacy can be prevented by the vendor.

Don’t know how no one mentioned this yet, but Firefox does have profiles. Unfortunately the only way I know to access them is using “firefox -p” via the command line. But you can set this to be the default way it launches within that menu.

I don’t see how it contributes any more than installing the Chromium-based Brave or Vivaldi, which are the comparisons being made in this specific thread.

I wasn’t sure how to word my reply, but I was referring to all the people downvoting your response and not you. Unsure if that came across.

Can we not downvote genuine questions like this? All you do is discourage people wanting to learn and make it harder for people that think differently than you to see arguments against them.

Save the downvotes for rude or bad faith comments.