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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


That’d make it even stranger, like wouldn’t that reliably always fix the issue, since that’s the actual dependency? It looks a bit like it’s not entirely completely somehow though.

Oh yeah Proton-GE is definitely my go-to usually, has fixed some stuff before, but there are still cases where it doesn’t help. Idk what it does under the hood though.

Interesting, I take it you don’t remember the source? I might want to look into that.

Kinda weird, typically there’s always a… less than legal solution for problems like that, y’know?

Most recent example I can think of is the Mega Man ZX games in the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, which are PC ports of old NDS games. The cutscenes just show a white screen. Did manage to fix that thanks to someone’s help on reddit (was related to mfplat and another component iirc), but there are also instances where that won’t work (I tried to help someone fix a cutscene issue on an obscure visual novel, but I couldn’t get that to work if my life depended on it).

Modern games do seem fairly safe though, like you said.

Why is the cutscene/FMV problem in Linux gaming so difficult to fix?
I see it a lot in visual novels, older PC games and PC ports of older non-PC games. It sounds so trivial on paper, like... just play the video? But I know it's not. Why though? Can we ever expect the problem to be fully solved? Right now it kinda seems like an uphill struggle, like by fixing cutscene playback in one game doesn't really seem to automatically fix it for other games, so it's not a situation where a convenient one size fits all solution works. And I don't really get it, because if it's related to video codecs, there are only so many codecs out there, right? And then you also expect that there's probably just a few popular ones out there that'll be used for 99% of all cases, with a few odd outliers here and there perhaps.