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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


They don’t even need to do triangulation nowadays, tower has direction and distance, because the way how 4G/5G work. 5G also has MIMO (meaning one burst of data to you carry data to other clients in same direction).

Yeah, pretty much like that, in Azure and paid openai both let you modify the system prompt also. There is also a creativity (temperature) property that can be modified. When too high, it will hallucinate more, if too low, it will give same output everytime.

Retraining the model costs like hundred million and weeks of computing power.

Copilot runs with GPT4-turbo. It is not trained differently than openai’s GPT4-turbo, but it has different system prompts than openai, which tend to make it more easy to just quit discussion. I have never seen openai to say that I will stop this conversation, but copilot does it daily.

Smart metering has been a thing in Nordics for past 20 years, and it has enabled per hour pricing that guides electricity usage away from peak hours (you have to build the network/production for the peak consumption, which is a problem).

This is pretty nonsense rambling.

What US of course needs is proper privacy laws. Electricity usage is protected by GDPR in EU, so it would be illegal for anyone else than you and your grid operator to see your consumption.

Base64, it is convenient, and doesn’t cause encoding issues. It only bloats file size 3x.

You can do filtering and monitoring in the DNS server itself in corpo environment, like umbrella or AD DNS.

Fediverse adds level of complexity on it, like you mention.

Malicious Lemmy instance could man-in-the-middle by providing it’s public key in behalf of the user in other side. Normally this can be mitigated by CA, but CA doesn’t fit very well in decentralized system.

You could add AES with users own password, but problem is that same malicious instance could also steal users password.

IMHO false sense of privacy is worst than knowing that stuff is unsecure. Again in my opinion fediverse is comparable to yelling in town square.

Not in theory, in practice, but this is not high need feature.

If you need to keep your sexting private, use another platform. If you have a exhibition fetish, go ahead.

As a coder I can say that e2e encryption is pain in the ass, key generation and exchanging, complex and annoying to do.