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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I used AI to summarize the different Google products and services listed in the video along with their suggested alternatives and timestamps. AI is pretty cool sometimes.

Google Product/Service Recommended Alternatives Timestamp
Google Chrome Firefox, Brave, Arc, Ungoogled Chromium 94-326
Google Search Startpage, Ecosia, DuckDuckGo, Brave Search, Kagi 328-493
Gmail Tutanota, ProtonMail 534-671
Google Photos Ente, Stingle 674-794
Google DNS Quad9, NextDNS, Cloudflare 827-1074
Google Analytics Not covered in this video, to be discussed in part 2 N/A
Google Maps To be covered in part 2 N/A
Google Ad Services To be covered in part 2 N/A
Google Drive To be covered in part 2 N/A
YouTube To be covered in part 2 N/A