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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


So, what are the **specific ** privacy problems with Apple Maps?

The two things are orthogonal

If your concern is privacy, do you have a particular problem with Apple Maps?

If your concern is privacy, do you have a particular problem with Apple Maps?

From the orginal linked reporting, it appears that previously Apple would accept a subpoena subpoena issued by police departments and law enforcement agencies with no judicial oversight. Under the new policy there has to be a court order or a search warrant, both of which have to be approved by a judge.

This feels like a tightening to me. https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/13/apple-push-notifications-government-warrant/

Previously they required a subpoena, now they require a court order. So what was the lie?

But what should they specifically do in this case to improve the situation - got any actual suggestions?

That would indicate that he someone has at least access to the account.

Why not Safari, if you are on those two?