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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


If people were really good at removing that info, they’d probably create a unique hash including all that data that we wouldn’t be able to edit.

Good reminder, I’d never considered that 😅 So why did lots of reddit subs discourage the use of URL shorteners? Was this just standard Reddit badness?

I don’t understand your point. Are you saying every other industry is going to gather together to bring the car industry to account?

At least in 2019 they looked at me like I had 3 heads when I mentioned privacy and secure removable ID “pods”. I’m not sure the EU is strong enough to take on all the automaker lobby like they did VW.

I was at a car engineering conference some years ago and everyone dismissed this problem as minor or not their problem, all they cared about was 5g/self driving, lighter/composite weldin materials/techniques and “cockpit amenities” where they harnessed all sorts of user data.

I need more of these…for research 🤫