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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


I had this argument with my boss and lost. They made all of us take photos that they posted on the company website. I said I’m working pretty hard on making myself invisible and don’t appreciate being forced to out myself like this. Tough shit. My name picture and contact info are out there for all to see.

I watch more YouTube than I do television these days.

As of now, I’m able to watch it ad free on both Brave and Firefox. I don’t have revanced as I’m more or less too technically stupid to do it.

If it becomes impossible to watch YouTube, I’ll walk away from it just like I did cable in 2009 and Netflix in 2023.

I haven’t sailed the high seas since the eighties, and I’d honestly prefer not to, but you gotta make a product that doesn’t consistently try to piss me off.

I’ve been using the internet as a whole less and less.

Deleted Facebook years ago

Never had Twitter

Nuked my Reddit account on July 1

Cancelled Netflix

Will likely cancel Amazon at the end of the current subscription cycle

Use duck duck go or brave for searches

Lemmy is the only interactive thing I’ve got left, and we’ll see where that goes

Things I cannot or am not willing to go dark on include online banking and bill pay. I could, but that creates so much extra time. But then if anybody needs to confirm that I pay my water bill, more power to them.

I also have and love Spotify though it seems I’m not supposed to do that anymore, so I’ve got to figure that one out. (Though I have many acquaintances in mid tier music groups who love Spotify as it drives ticket and merch sales for them)

Anywho, give it another decade, and I’ll just be somebody that nobody is sure exists.