• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Yeah my plan is really to cycle around as many passwords as I can to the sites I know I’m on, and setup MFA everywhere possible. At least then whatever old passwords I used can just die there

If it doesn’t exist that’s okay, figured it was good to check in with the community 👍

Is this legitimate? It seems odd to grant a company access to my emails. I assumed it would scrape the internet to find these details. It won’t find much in my inbox as I try to keep it very clean.

Also, it’s a paid service?

Fast/automated check and removal of Accounts
I'm wondering if there's a service out there that can scrape sites to determine if you have an account tied to your email(s) and subsequently delete them. The deletion would be amazing, but I'd settle for something that just confirms if there are sites out there I never tracked my login against. I'm trying to get all my accounts under control. Enable MFA, rotate passwords, remove saved details like payments and addresses, etc... Any advice is appreciated!