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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I’m not scared of governments surveying me, as someone who has worked for several national and local governments, they don’t have the time or budget. I’m not scared of advertisers surveying me, they’re just going to try and sell me something anyway. I’m not scared fo data brokers, they don’t want my data, they want to sell it to some one else for a profit and don’t really care about it.

What I am afraid of is someone I’ve pissed someone off and that any of the groups above don’t care about my data enough to protect it from the asshole who will use it vindictively.

A lot of paranoia on this community :(

There’s a few sign in checks (The variety makes me think Disqus or something similar.), a couple of keep alives, your phone registering for Wi-Fi calling, Fallback DNS requests, a couple of CDN requests which I would get is likely update checks and finally YouTube content for NewPipe. I think I’m seeing five tracking cookies based on the rest of your apps here, probably being sent “Do Not Track” requests.