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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


In that case my comment still stands 🙃

Article suggests Google Drive and One Drive… Come on man.

If you’ve followed the community and the company you get the feel that they’re very open, honest and authentic. I’ve wag he’d multiple interviews and oloowed their CEO for a while, genuinely a guy who wants to make a good and honest browser. Compared to Brave this wins me atleast over. But each to their own.

ah yeah I believe he said that this was the only thing being sent as they did need to know how many people use their browser. But even this, he said was done with a simple ping request, nothing more.

I use Vivaldi alongside Firefox. And yes, Vivaldi is great. It has a really really nice tab management system which I really wish was on Firefox. Otherwise it’s very fast and very customisable. I recommend to at least give it a solid try.

Although not OpenSource it is Source Available: https://vivaldi.com/source/

Are you sure about the telemetry? Just watched an interview between the CEO and Techlore. And the CEO said that there is strictly no telemetrics…

Yeah wanted to use them before, but it’s a solid no go. Can’t see this search engine living for long…

Mental Outlaws tech content is good. But wish he would leave his political views out…

It already supports custom search engine 🙃

Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth discussing. Surely that’s why we we’re here in the first place, to discuss. Sure Vivaldi isn’t perfect but for some it can at least be a step in the right direction.

I made a new account due to certain instances being defederated from lemmy.world.

I have asked my self the same question before, can only assume its easier to develop in maybe…

I’m neither an employee nor did I get sponsored lol, but I really do like recommending things to pepople that I genuinely like. I also think its important to support the underdogs in different markets, and I do feel like Vivaldi is one of them atm. But since you mentioned you dont like ads and i can’t help myself to promote; Vivaldi has built in Trackers and ad-blocking, otherwise Ublock and NextDNS are you friends <3

https://vivaldi.com/source/ <— source available at least, which is a lot better than not. They seem to try very hard to push it to becoming open source but are struggling with licensing.

This is covered in the interview I linked in the post, here is the timestamp;

Vivaldi is not Open Source, but it is Source Available: https://vivaldi.com/source/

To get it out of the way; Obviously, yes this chromium and most of us agree that anything Firefox-like is the way to go. This post is not a "Vivaldi is better than xyz", this is a, "give it a try" type of post. So, hear me out fellow privacists. Edit; Yes Vivaldi is not open source, but it is [source available](https://vivaldi.com/source/). [This topic is talked about in the interview and I encourage anyone who is discouraged to at least hear the CEO out when during the talk he had with Techlore.](https://youtu.be/TvIKMl1Ldi0?feature=shared&amp;t=1770) - [*"We don’t track you. Nothing, zero, zilch."*](https://vivaldi.com/zerotracking/) - Incredible customization and flexibility - Hands down the best tab management out there. - Equally great on mobile ([also check the high reviews](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vivaldi.browser)) I recently downloaded this Vivaldi Browser based on this rather good and open [interview between Techlore and Vivaldi CEO](https://youtu.be/TvIKMl1Ldi0?feature=shared). So this is a browser [developed in Norway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivaldi_Technologies), and to my surprise this was a **super pleasant experience**! The browser is very very fast, its super customizable and has hands down **the best tab management** I've ever tried (seriously wish Firefox had this). It also has some really a neat shortcut system for quick access to different actions. Furthermore they seem to care about all linux distros, with support also for ARM. I've only used the browser for a few days, but the experience is so fluent I just had to share a post about it. The team seem really genuine and open. There are also no third party investors involved with Vivaldi. It is owned by all the employees. So if you need or want to try a fresh browser I highly highly suggest to give Vivaldi a try: https://vivaldi.com/

Newpipe for the win! 🙌 They have also stated they’re re-doing the UI.