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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


Depends who you need privacy from. I recall Stallman’s advice about VPNs - that to avoid having your information turned over you should choose a VPN from a country whose government is no friend of your government. Depending on your threat model, I could see this being the same principle

Probably not. It looks like it’s setting the fake address before reading the tunnel parameters, where the real address is stored. Probably a kludge in case the connection address is undefined so the program doesn’t crash. So check whether the address is included there.

Also check the function that establishes the connection. is not a public subnet, so unless there is a VPN device listening at the local address, the tunnel should fail to establish and throw an error, triggering the exception clause in that code. Again, you’ll want to confirm that in the code.

If your usecase and threat model don’t require the pinpad, Onlykey Duo is worth a look. No pin, USB A or C, and still gives you 6 slots to support any combination of Fido2, TOTP, SSH, PGP, and password storage.

Manually keying in the pin is only needed when plugging in the device. Challenges for TOTP, FIDO2, etc. are a configuration option, and are only 3 digits if enabled (press any button if disabled).

As for “excessive amount of security”, security as an absolute measure isn’t a great way to think about it. Use case and threat model are more apt.

For use case, I’ll point out it’s also a PGP and SSH device, where there is no third party server applying the first factor (something you know) and needs to apply both factors on device.

For threat model, I’ll give the example of an activist who is arrested. If their e-mail provider is in the country, they can compel the provider to give them access, allowing them to reset passwords on other more secure services hosted outside the country. The police now have the second factor (something you have), but can’t use it because it’s locked.


Built in hardware pin entry means your unlock code can’t be captured by a compromised machine. Emulates Yubikey if you need that, handles Fido / U2F, stores up to 12 passwords, acts as PGP and SSH key if you install the (open source) agent.

The SSH agent implementation is forked from https://trezor.io/ which is advertised more for crypyo wallet uses.

Edit: For OP’s concern about losing the key, it also has the ability to export an encrypted backup that can be restored to a replacement key

Guess I should switch. I always get funny looks when I say my number is “Beechwood 45789”

Sorry, but I have bad news for you. Privacy in major car brands no longer exists.

You don’t say where your family member lives, but you might look into smaller regional brands that focus on cheap cars for less overdeveloped areas of the world. Be aware the tradeoff is probably in safety features.