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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I used to use that approach, but found in the last several years more than half the web sites I use reject email addresses with “+” characters.

I even use several sites that used to take those addresses just fine now reject them. That made me wonder if some common JS package for parsing email addresses got changed.

I’ve done both. I wrote my own scripts to generate the WG config files to handle variations in configure I needed to make for my different networks (masking, IPv6, cross multiple WG networks).

After converting to Tailscale, WG is just an extra level of hassle I can now easily avoid.

Like IT gives you any time to get anything off a corporate-owned device.

When I got laid off, IT sent a bullet to my laptop immediately kicking me off and completely locking me out of it.

I was supposed to have another 4 days to transition my work. I contacted IT and was told once the bullet goes out, that’s it. Any and all access to everything has been terminated. Might as well just go home and enjoy the extra 4 days because no one’s going to undo a bullet going off early unless it comes from the C-suite. So I did.

Unless Gitlab changed things very recently, you only needed to provide a CC/DC if you wanted the free CI/CD pipeline enabled for your projects. Decline, and everything except the free pipeline works just fine.