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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I never said i agreed with OPs specific claims. I agree with more of what you just said than what OP said.

My only claim is that its totally unacceptable to add nothing to a convo other than trying to peer-pressure shame a person from talking about privacy concerns on a privacy community. Sometimes that type of abuse would stop nonsense, and sometimes itd stop legit convo.

Telling someone they are “crazy” is one of the most common ways to shut down legit observations and i see it too much.

I don’t remember a whole lot about lavabit other than how rough it was to lose access.

I’d consider my own email service, but most places that have problems with user accounts will consider a self hosted domain as invalid. :(

It’s healthy to discuss this type of thing even if we are wrong or paranoid. You are being abusive in an anti-privacy way.

Oh! another lavabit victim in the wild. I signed up with em because i just wanted basic security and privacy for a new email account and then poof gone. To top it off, my next email provider had some issues and i lost that account too :(

Now I’m about ready to rant a post about how we down actually control our own email accounts and therefor don’t control our lemmy accounts. I’m a big boy and can handle passwords and account control myself without a guarantor!

I am aware about bots and fake account stuff and see the need for better verification, but email is not a valid way to do it.